The demoscene's most wanted!

Yes we did use coder colors for the logo! admin/community manager

Posted by Baudsurfer
We are seeking head community manager for future site (Wikipedia-like apart from ramblings).

The goal is to manage user posts, validate them and basically administrate the site. From demosceners for demosceners.

When researching it was reckoned most sceners are wanting to develop some legacy effect database ; we on the other hand would also like to honor past sceners (inactive or dead) in the most factual and respectful fashion (heritage) : most likely your own "don't be evil" vision and dedication will find a third righteous way and we would simply agree to it.

The requirements for this position are :

-love of demoscene culture and history ;
-proper English ;
-non-biased towards any group or nationality ;
-long-term minded and very dedicated ;
-totally autonomous (we provide domain/hosting/workframe) and you're on your own from there on ;
-if possible (not as important), minimal knowledge of LAMP/WAMP framework.

Possibility to recruit co-admins after a trial period.

Thank you.

Interested? Log in to get in touch with Baudsurfer!

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