The demoscene's most wanted!

Yes we did use coder colors for the logo!

Kahvi Collective needs a logo

Posted by nagz
Hi guys

One of the longest-running netlabels, Kahvi Collective ( needs a new logo. Or any logo of some sort, because the current one is just a typeface :)

I'm reaching out to you scene ppl, because you are too cool and the label itself has helped many prolific demoscene musicians to spread their works, for example Heatbeat, Necros, Blamstrain, Esem/Stereoman, Distance/Lackluster, Radix and many others. See for yourself:

Keywords: chilled, ambient, relaxing, electronic, music, blue, pastel, drifting, edgy.
The text "Kahvi Collective" should be on the logo as well.

Thanks, awaiting submissions (both trolls and serious ones:), either here or send to nik [@t] kahvi [d.t] org

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