The demoscene's most wanted!

Yes we did use coder colors for the logo!

Music for unmusical devices (1-bit)

Posted by irrlicht project
Working on a little something for a platform that doesn't have a soundchip/card? Need music for it? Then let me bring some 1-bit/beeper glory to your prod.

Depending on the circumstances, I may be able to code my own sound drivers if necessary, or at least help you write one. I'm also interested in all things Atari, VIC-20, and anything that's a bit out of the ordinary... the underdog platforms, so to say.

Check out my stuff at and irrlichtproj...

I haven't done a demo soundtrack in a while...

Posted by Saga Musix
...and I wouldn't mind doing one again. Ideally, you already have a concept and/or some screenshots that would inspire me to work on a track. Usually, I do electronic music somewhere between trance and 80s/90s synthpop. Pretty much anything as you can find it on - music can be either streamed or purely tracked (IT format, probably about a megabyte of samples but smaller might be possible)
I'd prefer to make a tune for a demo that would be released at a party that we'd both attend... Read more...
IT/S3M/MOD/MDL/XM/669/General MIDI/VGM/Chip/Atari VCS. Obscure trackers for odd systems A-OK. You need it? I can track it.

My usual styles are house, techno, acid, drum&bass, and trance but I'd love to expand my range a bit. Anything synth~y. Just ask!
Naturally I can do rendered (wav,flac,ogg) formats too. Check me out on and feel free to message me there or through this site. Read more...