The demoscene's most wanted!

Yes we did use coder colors for the logo!

$500 max Custom Intro

Posted by nrgjesse
I'm looking for an intro to my twitch channel and I'm willing to pay a max of $500 to have someone do an awesome job at it. only requirements is that it includes nrg_jesse as the name and the logo can be custom submitted if required. Easy going, I know the difficulty involved and just looking for some artistic influence. Read more...
As title says, we are looking for gfx artist(s) to create nice banners for upcoming BitJam Podcast episodes. For references please check site. This supposed to be a long term cooperation as we're planning to release many episodes this year. Please contact us here or through BitFellas site if you can dedicate your talent for drawing podcast banners from time to time. Read more...

looking for a graphics artist

Posted by bxSLP
graphics artist needed for demo's on amiga, cpc, and other systems including windows. would prefer someone able to animate.

we are a well known UK group. with 8 music composers and 6 coders. our graphics guy is too bizzy with IRL stuff. has been for over a year
and this isnt likely to change. but we seriously need someone to help with currant and future projects

if your interested please contact me at

we hav an active slack page aswell as a secret facebook group Read more...

Graphic artist needed (Amiga)

Posted by AlienTech

I would like to get in touch with a graphic artist to start a duo team, where I am the programmer.

My current project is a demo for the demo scene where the target is Commodore Amiga 500 with OCS chipset.

A knowledge of the Amiga graphics and related tools is certainly welcome.

It is not a paid work but such projects can give a very good return in terms of visibility and resume.

Those interested can email me mscarano @ libero . it


Looking for 3D artist for demo-anim prods.

Posted by AceMan
I'm looking for someone who is capable of making demo-like effects in 3D software.
The goal - making demoish videos for demoscene anim compos :)

Lightwave and/or After Effects would be great - I'm familiar with them so I think cooperation would be easier :)

It doesn't have to be uber advanced scene science. I am basically looking for someone that would help me rotate that cube, while I'll focus on other things (rendering, editing, filters, sync, composition etc.) ;)


New demogroup DEMO-ACES looking for 2D/3D artist.

Posted by rafalkowalczyk79pl
Currently working on high-priority project which needs hiqh quality GFX and 3D objects/animation input.

For more details pls contact founder and Lead Programmer:

(we welcome samples and portfolio links)

best regards
-= Demo Aces (c) 2015 =-
I have made a rendering engine for Amiga 500 for drawing incrementally on a single-buffered "canvas". To script the drawing, I designed and implemented my own exotic programming language, called Rose. Rose programs are compiled into compact bytecode, which can be embedded into an Amiga intro and interpreted to produce the desired animation.

Now I need people who are interested in using this language to produce content for one or more Amiga 4k intros.

A description of the Rose language, along...