The demoscene's most wanted!

Yes we did use coder colors for the logo!

Do you find yourself making demos that are derivative?

Are you unable to progress from textured cubes to conceptual mindfuckery?

Don't worry! What you could use is an aggressive immersion in the psychedelic method of demomaking, as executed by us in various demo productions over the years.

Keywords: recreational narcotics, psychedelic drugs, experimental programming methods, unconventional art tools and procedures

PS. not recommended for people who like repeatable rendering... Read more...


Posted by g0blinish
looking -Satantronic- members to ask permission of using tune. If they are don't have a source I have a decompiled player.
-XI- doesn't reply on my e-mail. If you know working e-mail musician, please let me know.

thanks again,

Music for unmusical devices (1-bit)

Posted by irrlicht project
Working on a little something for a platform that doesn't have a soundchip/card? Need music for it? Then let me bring some 1-bit/beeper glory to your prod.

Depending on the circumstances, I may be able to code my own sound drivers if necessary, or at least help you write one. I'm also interested in all things Atari, VIC-20, and anything that's a bit out of the ordinary... the underdog platforms, so to say.

Check out my stuff at and irrlichtproj...

Basic video-editing

Posted by numtek
I'm a available for some basic video-editing. If you already know how the final video should look like, and you have all the content ready for editing we could ping-pong the video till it is done. I won't have any time available to make content myself, so if you need any fancy motion graphics, 2d/3d-design or music to accompany your video I recommend posting a request for such a person :) I prefer a zip-file with all the assets already done and spell checked, so to say.

It will help a lot if...

I haven't done a demo soundtrack in a while...

Posted by Saga Musix
...and I wouldn't mind doing one again. Ideally, you already have a concept and/or some screenshots that would inspire me to work on a track. Usually, I do electronic music somewhere between trance and 80s/90s synthpop. Pretty much anything as you can find it on - music can be either streamed or purely tracked (IT format, probably about a megabyte of samples but smaller might be possible)
I'd prefer to make a tune for a demo that would be released at a party that we'd both attend... Read more...
IT/S3M/MOD/MDL/XM/669/General MIDI/VGM/Chip/Atari VCS. Obscure trackers for odd systems A-OK. You need it? I can track it.

My usual styles are house, techno, acid, drum&bass, and trance but I'd love to expand my range a bit. Anything synth~y. Just ask!
Naturally I can do rendered (wav,flac,ogg) formats too. Check me out on and feel free to message me there or through this site. Read more...
as the topic says, we are looking for motivated people who are willing to help with updating and improving the Windows- and OSX GUI ports of the popular C-64 emulator. This includes adding new features to the menus, fixing occasional bugs, and perhaps improving the general experience of the respective port(s). Even if you are not into the GUI stuff, but have some low level knowledge (sound, video etc) on the respective platform, your help is appreciated.

if you are interested, please contact us...