Thank you very much for the platform, all! We were able to fill all open orga positions - will be posting another one in a few, but know that your work is very much appreciated and helped us big times! <3
Here is a selection of projects where the authors found each other with the help of Wanted. Want to request or offer help yourself? Click here!
I have joined Moonshine!
adkd contacted with a fitting song right away.
I got into contact with a few people willing to write music for the demo. I think we're covered for now.
Got my guy, coding intensifies!!
I'm in contacts with the first person who asked me about this post. But if you like I can contact you again with future projects( planning to make an intro for Assembly 2018 August ).
Raven/NCE very kindly made me a bold, effective vector logo. It will soon be either on or linked from .
we can has mentors!
Found a guy with a console in the states :)